8:50pm: DANNY BROOKS from Virginia is your Early Strikers Champion at OPEN 20 at Delaware Park! Danny emerged victorious after a 6-way chop was agreed upon.
Full results:
1 Danny Brooks, Virginia
2 Jason Shapiro, New Jersey
3 Duane Thompson, Virginia
4 Laretta Wagen, North Carolina
5 Chris Byas, Maryland
6 Nicole Simpson, North Carolina
7 Timothy Gunter, Pennsylvania
8 John Mocco, Virginia
9 Eric Herget, North Carolina
10 Chris Rhew, North Carolina
11 Dustin Andersen, North Carolina
12 Dawn Smith, New Jersey
3:25pm: The Early Strikers Turbo has begun! Stay tuned for results and photo of the winner.
It's the first cash event of OPEN 20 at Delaware Park! The EARLY STRIKERS TURBO takes place on Saturday, June 13th, and you can catch all the quick fast and in a hurry coverage right here in this article.
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