July 12, 2023
Happy Wednesday everyone!
First up, a big congrats to our Final 64 Championship qualifiers from this past weekend. These players will be joining the other qualifiers thus far at the Final 64 Championship at OPEN 30 in Las Vegas!

Christopher Outer – Couter77 David Atwater – DAtwater Donald Hildebrand – hildy21 Jennifer Garlicki – Eyesofshiva Rich Bush – Rbush7

Next, another big congrats to our next group of players that have qualified for the online Triple Crown Championship, which will be taking place in September! Remember, a Top 3 finish in any WTP Online game on any Triple Crown day earns you a Triple Crown medallion AND a seat to the online Triple Crown Championship event, where the Top 24 players will earn a package of Championship Final qualifications for OPEN 30 in Las Vegas! All the Triple Crown details: www.worldtavernpoker.info/post/triple-crown-days-win-3-finals-seats WTP Online Schedule (including future Triple Crown days!) www.worldtavernpoker.online/calendar-of-events Here are the next qualifiers from this past Saturday’s Triple Crown Day. Congrats all! 😊
Ann Martin - ACEgrand
Bob Clayton - BobClayton
Brian Mayer - lperkneon77
Debra Superville - Superdebvill
Donnell Oliver - Donnello
Duane - dahead03
Dwayne Shartzer - dsrushtime
Eric Witkowski - Ericw2676
George Morgan - geomorgan
Jeff Hunt - Bird33
Juan Antonio Pastora - firetiger
Karen Moore - karebear
Kathy - davnkat
Linda Vaughan - Ladyv1625
Lucas Miller - Votech44
Mary Brown - Marybr57
Mary Beth - Tupelohoney
Mike Fenslau - RangerMike89
Myles Esmele - mylesmele
Nate Snyder - natebig9
Rance Strausbaugh - rgsay
Rick Alexander - cosmo2112
Sam - pokerace
Vic Culp - viculp
Virginia Seeger – Iluvchips
We hope you all have a GREAT week!
The Team at World Tavern Poker