Feb 2, 2023
Happy Thursday everyone!
The WTP Online schedule for February is now online on the WTP Online website.
Please note that tickets for the Bankroll tournament will be done by mid-next week. Tickets earned on Online play for the Online TOC are already in your account. For those with Top 3 finishes in live play last month, your tickets will be added a few days before the Online TOC on Feb 15th.
If you had a Top 3 finish in January, but do not have a WTP Online account and wish to play, create it now! Just make sure to use your WTP Username in the “Online Player Name” field to ensure you receive your ticket.
Tickets for the quarterly Tavern Championships and the quarterly National Championships will be added closer to those events as well. Please stay tuned and keep an eye out. 😊
Thanks all!
Thomas and the Entire World Tavern Team