Dec 6, 2022

We are so excited to announce the launch of the new website on or around the 15th of this month.
In this first phase, you will see that most of the changes are design-driven and more mobile friendly. But you will soon see new functionality making it easier and more fun to navigate.
During the transition, the website will likely be down for as much as 24 hours – so please do not be alarmed as there is A LOT of data to bring over from the old site.
Please keep in mind that with any new website launch, there will challenges – and we need your help in reporting any technical issues.
Report any issues via Support Ticket in the new Help Center at
We will need to know which page you were on when the issue appeared.
Please be specific about the issue.
Attach screenshots if you can.
Thanks so much for everyone’s patience – and as always – THANK YOU for being part of America’s #1 Poker League!
The Team at World Tavern Poker