Tavern TOC Champion
Win a Tavern TOC to compete for a $10,000 Main Event Seat!

Earn a Top 3 Finish during the Regular Season at a Tavern

Finish in the Top 3 in a Tavern TOC event

Compete for HUGE prizes including a $10,000 Main Event seat at the OPEN!
Tavern TOC's (Week 26)
The Tavern Tournament of Champions (TOC) rewards players with more starting chips based on their play throughout the season, and sends the winners to the National TOC at the OPEN!
The National TOC is an incredible event held every year. 8 WSOP packages are on the line - including a $10,000 Main Event Seat - every year!
The more Top 3 finishes you have in a bar during the season, the more chips you are rewarded with. The Top 3 players at the Tavern TOC will advance to the National TOC event at the OPEN.
Please remember that you must be at least 21 years old by the National TOC to play in any Tavern TOC events.
How It Works
Any player who earns a Top 3 finish during the Regular Season qualifies for that bar’s Tavern TOC.
Each ADDITIONAL Top 3 finish at that bar during the regular season earns you an extra 2,000 starting chips per Top 3 finish. This is a nice advantage over other players!
For example: You came in the Top 3 four times during the season at a bar. You would receive the base stack for the game - plus an additional 6,000 chips. Remember, the more you play at that bar, the better your chance at winning the Tavern TOC!
Your Tournament Director will have a printout of the starting chip stacks for each player. Tavern TOC base stacks are generally 10,000 chips (this is the standard for the league). However, if a venue has a higher base stack, the TD can add 20% to your additional Top 3 bonus chips, up to a maximum of 4,000 bonus chips per Top 3 finish.
Check out our Tavern TOC Winners on our Season Points Champion Galleries!
The Prizes
Finish in the Top 3 at a Tavern TOC, and along with any prizes your bar may offer, you can earn the following:
1st Place: Seat to the National TOC Finals and the Tavern TOC Medallion
2nd or 3rd Place: Seat to the National TOC Semi-Finals
Last Person Standing
Those ranked in the Top 8 (and ties) in their bar’s Best Customer ranking at the end of the season will receive a special card to be used during Tavern Championships and Tavern TOC's - as long as they qualified for these events!
The Top 8 and ties in a bar's Best Customer ranking have 2 shots at winning the Last Person Standing. However, even if you win this on Tavern Championship night, you can still participate again on Tavern TOC night.
The card-holder that lasts the longest (the last one knocked out) in a Tavern TOC wins a seat to the National TOC Semi-Finals. TD's: to indicate the winner, simply check the Best Customer box next to the player's name when scoring.
It does not matter if any of these players have already qualified for a National TOC event - they are still being recognized as a Best Customer in that bar.
TD's (those listed as TD #1 in their bar's WTP profile) cannot participate in Last Person Standing at their own bar.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if I qualified for a Tavern TOC?
You will receive an email from each bar you have qualified for. You can also check the "My Events" tab in your WTP profile during Week 26 to see which venues you have qualified for.
How do I know if I qualified for the Last Person Standing part of Tavern TOC Night?
CLICK THIS LINK and use the drop-down menus to check out your bar's Best Customer ranking. Remember, the Top 8 (and ties) qualify!
Do I have to register for games on Tavern TOC night?
Nope! You do not have to register for either the Tavern TOC or Last Person Standing.
If I already have a National TOC seat and I finish in the Top 3 in a Tavern TOC tournament, can I give it to someone else?
Absolutely not! Any National Championship seat is EARNED and non-transferable.
Is there another game on Tavern TOC Night?
Possibly. Some venues may run an additional Early Strikers game on Tavern TOC night. Be sure to stay tuned for announcements from the venue.
Tournament Director Tips
Use the seating assignments on the registration printout for this event. The assignments ensure that stack sizes are dispersed across the player field so that you are not stuck with one table of monster stacks and one with short stacks.
Chip Distribution
Make sure you're giving players their correct chip stack before they sit down. If you normally put the 10k base stack on the table for your players, you can give them their TOC extra chips before start time (however this may take longer).
Signup/Early Arrival Bonus?
There should be no bonus chips for early registration or showing up early, as this is a special Championship event.
Late Entries
TD's should be adhering to the official WTP Late Policy at all times. This means a player can enter the game up to 30 minutes after the scheduled start time of your event.
Blind Times
20-25 minutes per level. This is a Championship event and warrants longer blind times, so don't rush it. We do understand that blind times may be shorter at some bars due to a bar's hours of operation.
Ask For Help
Feel free to ask your poker customers for assistance. Tavern TOC Night may feel a bit 'overwhelming' if it is your first time - but it's a lot of fun!
Remember - World Tavern Poker is about having a great time playing a game that we love!