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You Must Create An Online Account Before May 19th To Participate

Note: The Online site is separate from the regular bar site, so you MUST create a WTP ONLINE ACCOUNT.

Sound ON Please!


Championship Qualifiers From Season 2-2022

If you Qualified for either the National Championship and/or the National TOC - then this event is for you!

You will be competing in an Online Tournament for your shot to qualify for 1 OF ONLY 64 SEATS into the Final 64 Championship held at The Orleans Casino in Las Vegas this November!  PLUS, 24 of the 64 will share in $25,000 in Cash and Event Seats with the Winner taking home a $10,000 Main Event Seat!

  • 8 Online Tournaments held from May through July.

  • Top 4% from each Online Event will advance to The Final 64 Championship.

  • The Final 64 Championship will be played this November, in Las Vegas, during WTP OPEN 30.

  • The Top 24 from the Championship will be 'In The Money' and share in the $25,000 prize pool!


BIG NOTE #1: If you have a S2-2022 Finals qualification, any S2-2022 Semi-Final qualification you have doesn't apply (you get the higher qualification). The same thing goes for carryover qualifications. This means you cannot use a Semi-Final qualification for the Final 64 events if you have a Finals qualification.


BIG NOTE #2: Remember, for ANY qualification below, you MUST use them for the Final 64 Online event OR for OPEN 30 in Las Vegas. None of the qualifications below will survive past OPEN 30.

REMEMBER: If you use one of your Qualifications for Final 64 Online play, it is NO LONGER AVAILABLE for OPEN 30 in Las Vegas this November. See "Tickets" below for more info.

Qual Lists
Create Account


1.  Go to

2.  Select whether you would like a FREE account or PRO account (the benefits are listed).

3.  Enter your information and submit. Use your LIVE username if it is available - if not, please see the directions below in Step 3.

4.  Practice, Practice, Practice – The FREE accounts allow you to play each day in the 3:00pm tournament. We suggest getting in as much practice as possible to learn the software and build your strategy to win!


Notes: We suggest using the same Username as your Live account (if it is available) so your accounts are ‘connected’. Accounts require a credit/debit card to join; however, the FREE option is $0 (you will never be charged). The card requirement is for security purposes to ensure one player does not have multiple accounts. 


1.  Log In to

2.  Go to the MY PROFILE tab.

3.  At the bottom of the first section, you will see the WTP ONLINE PLAYER NAME field. Enter the correct username.

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For each Qualification that you have, you will receive a Ticket in your Online Account. This Ticket will allow you to enter one of the Final 64 Online Tournaments. Once you register for a Tournament, your ticket will be removed from your account.

National and/or TOC Finals Qualifiers = Final64Finals

National and/or TOC Semi Final Qualifiers = Final64Semis

Remember: If you have any Carryover Qualifications, you will receive a ticket for those as well. It is 100% up to you if you want to use these tickets. REMEMBER, playing in a Final 64 Online event means you will not have that same qualification for OPEN 30 in Las Vegas this November!



Note: All Times Are In ET (Eastern Time)


For each National Semi-Finals Qualification earned (from S2-2022 and/or Carryovers), you will be able to participate in a Shootout Tournament where the top player at each table (5 players per table) will receive a Ticket to play in a Final 64 Final Qualifier Event.

Saturday June 3rd @ 11:00am
Sunday June 11th @ 11:00am

Saturday June 17th @ 11:00am

New! Monday June 19th @ 8:00pm

Saturday July 1st @ 11:00am



The Top 4% from each of the Main Events will WIN THEIR SEAT IN THE FINAL 64 IN VEGAS! And remember, if you have multiple tickets, you can play in multiple events

Saturday May 27th @ 5:00pm

Sunday May 28th @ 11:00am

Sunday June 4th @ 11:00am

Saturday June 10th @ 5:00pm

Sunday June 18th @ 11:00am

New! Tuesday June 20th @ 8:00pm

New! Thursday June 22nd @ 8:00pm

Saturday June 24th @ 5:00pm

Sunday July 2nd @ 11:00am

Saturday July 8th @ 5:00pm


As a way of saying 'Thank You' to our PRO PLAYERS, not only for supporting the league in other ways, but also because of the slight disruption to your regular weekend Online events, we are giving YOU 3 Special Tournaments for seats in the Final 64 in Vegas!

Monday May 29th @ 5:00pm - PROS ONLY

Sunday June 25th @ 5:00pm - PROS ONLY

Sunday July 9th @ 5:00pm - PROS ONLY



The dates for World Tavern Poker OPEN 30 have been set: Nov 4th thru 9th at The Orleans Casino in Las Vegas. The actual date and time of the Final 64 Event will be posted toward late Summer (per approval from the Nevada Gaming Commission).

The Final 64 event in Vegas will be a multi-table tournament following the same structures as our National Championships. The Top 24 will be paid (see below):

1st Place: $10,000 Main Event Seat!

2nd Place: $2,500 Major Event Package

3rd Place: $1,500 Major Event Package

4th Place: $1,000 Major Event Package

5th Place: $1,000 Major Event Package

6th Place: $1,000 Major Event Package

7th Place: $1,000 Major Event Package

8th Place: $1,000 Major Event Package

9th Place: $500 Major Event Package

10th Place: $500 Major Event Package

11th Place: $500 Major Event Package

12th Place: $500 Major Event Package

13th Place: $500 Major Event Package

14th Place: $500 Major Event Package

15th Place: $500 Major Event Package

16th Place: $500 Major Event Package

17th Place: $250 cash

18th Place: $250 cash

19th Place: $250 cash

20th Place: $250 cash

21st Place: $250 cash

22nd Place: $250 cash

23rd Place: $250 cash

24th Place: $250 cash


What If My Username Is Not Available?

No worries – choose another Username you like and then add that info to your WTP Player Profile (on the LIVE WTP Website)

Who Can Play In These Events?

-- National Championship Finals and National TOC Finals Qualifiers

-- National Champ Semi-Finals and National TOC Semi-Finals Qualifiers


-- Carryover Qualifiers (see lists above)


-- WTP Online Pro Players: 3 additional tournaments for Pro Players to say ‘Thank You’ to those that supported the Online League during the pandemic.

How Many Times Can I Play?

You will receive 1 Ticket to enter a tournament for each Finals Qualification that you have.


What If I Only Have A Semi-Finals Qualification?


Finish in the Top 20% of a Semi-Finals shootout and you will earn a ticket to a Final 64 Final Qualifier Event.

If I have a S2-2022 Finals qualification AND a Carryover Finals qualification, can I use one for a Final 64 Online event and save the other?


Absolutely! Use one for a Final 64 Online event and use the other for OPEN 30 in Las Vegas.

If I qualified for the National Champ Finals multiple ways (Season Points Champ, Tavern Champ, Regional Top 10%, etc.), does that mean I have multiple Finals qualifications?

No! You can only qualify for the Finals once in a season. If you qualify multiple ways, it only counts as one Finals qualification. The ONLY way you can have multiple National Champ Finals qualifications is if you have one from S2-2022/23 and a Carryover (see the qualification lists above).

Why Is It Asking Me For A Credit Card?

As said above, this is strictly for security measures. We do not want players creating multiple accounts and creating cheating situations. Of course, we know you would never do that. :)

What happens if a Final 64 game crashes?

If in the rare instance, a Final 64 event game crashes due to server or other issues AND at least 80% of the field has been eliminated, the Top 4% of the field (the winner of the Final 64 Champ seats) will be determined by chip stacks. Otherwise, the game will be re-started as soon as possible.

What happens if I get disconnected or have internet issues?

Those instances would be out of our control. The game software does give you a 30-second 'disconnect protection' period to reconnect to an active game if you're in a hand. Otherwise it will sit you out until you return.

For more details on the Online software and other WTP Online info, click here.

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© 2025 World Tavern Entertainment

5302 NC Hwy 55, Suite 101, Durham, NC 27713


Changes to the League can be made at anytime and without prior notice, including but not limited to: Prizes, Schedules, Structures and Qualifications.

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