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donated from players, TD's, and venues over the past six years!
Cans & Supplies for Chips (October 1 - November 27)
Due to the recent devastation brought on from Hurricane Helene, we are starting a Cans for Chips & Supplies drive early this year. We will have two "Cans for Chips" promotions: one from Oct 1st thru Nov 27th for Helene victims, and another from Nov 29th thru Dec 31st.
TD's and Venues: Please announce this to your players ASAP. We ask that you seek out venues in your local area that are collecting items and donations specifically for Hurricane Helene victims. If there are none in your area, that's okay and you can still take part - we're sure that your local food banks will appreciate it all the same.
PLAYERS: If your TD is not running a Cans & Supplies For Chips promotion for Helene victims at your bar, tell them you'd love to step up and help manage this worthwhile promotion.
Bonus Starting Chips
For each can or supply you bring to a participating bar, you'll receive 1,000 extra chips up to 3,000 chips maximum per game. That means you can bring three (3) items per game for a max of 3,000 extra chips.
These extra chips do NOT count towards your Bonus Chip Program maximum. TD's, use your best judgment as the purpose of this promotion is to help Helene victims. Items like 6, 12, or 24-packs of water are likely good on their own for the 3,000-chip maximum.
Items to donate can include canned goods, bottled water, personal items (hygiene), other non-perishable food items, and even small electronics like radios or walkie talkies.
Access Passes
PLEASE REMEMBER: The point of this is to get much needed supplies to those who desperately need them. But in order to hopefully generate more items donated, we're offering ways of saying thank you for your help.
For every 50 items that a participating bar donates during this first promotion, that bar will receive one entry into a drawing for 1 of 5 Full Access Passes to OPEN 32 in 2025.
Simply complete the form linked HERE to send proof of your donated items.
Please send your receipts by Wednesday, Nov 27th. We will hold this first drawing shortly afterward.
Cans & Toys for Chips (November 29 - December 31)
Let's help our communities this winter!
Toys & Cans For Chips benefits local children, homeless shelters, food banks, and more across the country. Since World Tavern Poker is the world's largest poker community, let's all work together to help out these great causes in our local areas!
Now more than ever, it's vital that we help as much as we can. Even if you donate to local shelters in lieu of cans or toys, please do what you can, as many of these locations are in dire need of assistance.
TD's & Venues: Please select one of the programs below
PLAYERS: If your TD is not running Toys & Cans For Chips at your bar, tell them you'd love to step up and help manage this worthwhile promotion.
Toys For Tots
There are usually multiple Toys For Tots locations that operate in your local area.
Items to collect include (no used gifts please):
-- Small children's toys
-- Plush stuffed animals
-- Pack of markers or crayons
-- Books (for coloring or reading)
-- Balls for various sports
-- Dolls or action figures
Bonus Starting Chips!
If your Tournament Director or venue selects one of the programs above, please bring items listed for that program.
Toys For Tots Bonus Chips: Bring one (1) listed item to a participating bar, and you'll receive 3,000 extra chips for one game that night. Bring two (2) or more listed items, and you'll get 3,000 extra chips for both games that night.
Cans For Chips Bonus Chips: For each can you bring to a participating bar, you'll receive 1,000 extra chips up to 3,000 chips maximum per game. That means you can bring three (3) cans per game for a max of 3,000 extra chips.
These extra chips do NOT count towards your Bonus Chip Program maximum!
Cans For Chips
There are several ways to donate canned food items to local shelters or churches.
TD's: If you select Cans For Chips or Toys For Tots, you can log into the WTP website as your bar. At the bottom of the bar's profile page, click the box next to the Cans For Chips promotion. Your bar will have a 'can icon' next to it when players register for games. This will highlight your bar as taking part in this promotion!
NOTE: If you'd rather leave your No Loitering icon next to your venue on our schedule, do not check this box.
The Contest
PLEASE REMEMBER: Toys & Cans For Chips is a wonderful way to give back during the holiday season, and helping those in need is its own reward. But in order to get more items donated, we're offering ways of saying thank you for your donations.
For every 25 toys or 75 canned food items that a participating bar donates, that bar receives:
-- One entry into a drawing for 1 of 5 Poker & Party Access Passes to OPEN 32 in 2025.
Simply complete the form linked HERE to send proof of your donated items.
Please do this no later than Friday, January 3rd. The drawing will be held the following week. Winning venues will be notified by email.
Send & Share Your Photos!
Take weekly photos of your collected items and share them on Facebook! You can also submit Toys & Cans For Chips photos to us by posting them directly on our Official WTP Facebook group.
Anchor 1
Thank you to all of the bars that have participated! Check out some of the awesome photos we've received below.

Here is the list of bars that participated in 2024. The bars in YELLOW HIGHLIGHT won an Access Pass for their bar this past year, to be awarded at a future game.
13Twenty Hickory Pub
American Legion Post #488
Bassett Moose Lodge #283
Common John Brewing Co
County Seat Sports Bar
Griffin's Irish Pub
Jimmy's Old Town Tavern
Joe B1's
Kegler's Den
Lakeview Lanes
McCarthy's Grill House
Mid Town Social
Minor's Apron
Mountain Top Bar & Grill
Pavillion Lounge
Pineville Tavern
Port City Cheesesteak
Rail Yard Restaurant
Reggie's Bar
The Back Nine
VFW #670
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